Mold Damage Can Be Detrimental to Fabrics in Paradise Valley Homes
11/10/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Technicians Evaluate and Remediate Mold Damage on Many Types of Materials
In Paradise Valley, mold can grow on fabric materials (such as clothes) at an alarming rate. Synthetic fabrics, which are made of silk fibers, wool, rayon, jute, ramie, linen, and cotton are particularly prone to mold damage. Due to their cellulose content, these materials tend to attract cellulose-feeding species of molds.
If your fabrics fall victim to mold attack, you can count on SERVPRO to control any resultant mold damage before it is too late. We offer mold damage control services in Paradise Valley and its environs every day of the year. Our technicians are adequately trained, experienced, and certified by the IICRC to ensure that our methods match industry standards.
Toxic molds are very efficient at colonizing and depleting cellulose-based fabrics partly due to the production of toxins that give them a competitive edge over other species. Mold damage occurs when the molds produce enzymes on the fabric, which then breakdown the cellulose to compounds that the mold uses for food.
Clothes that are made of protein fibers (such as silk and wool) are less prone to mold damage than clothes made from plant fibers. Generally, natural fiber materials are more prone to mold damage than synthetic materials, although both of them are just as easily colonized. SERVPRO technicians use the sense of smell to identify the musty odor of mold growth on clothes, which is often accompanied by the formation of a white strand of mold mycelium.
The most effective method of controlling mold growth on clothes is regulating the relative humidity (RH) in your storage area. SERVPRO mold remediation experts can help you install equipment that is effective at keeping your fabric storage areas dry and properly-ventilated. We can help you maintain the RH to below 65 percent.
Be extra careful if you store your fabric items in less traditional places like lofts or basements, as these are quite vulnerable to condensations and, consequently, mold damage. We may have to use residential dehumidifiers to keep the dampness within a safe range. Esporta cleaning machines, which use hydraulics, can also come in handy at cleaning mold-infested clothing. Every now and then, try and inspect for contamination on clothes that are not regularly worn.
Losing your favorite piece of clothing to mold damage can be heartbreaking - it is like losing a part of you. If you notice the presence of mold on your fabrics, contact SERVPRO of Phoenix immediately. We have a wide range of resources that can return your precious items to pre-damage conditions as best as possible. Make the call today at (480) 503-2090.
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